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Class: Intro to Graphic Design
Assignment: Large-Scale Project: Cleaning Up The Streets - Healthy Benefits Mouthwash

1. Image: Couple kissing with bottles of mouthwash hidden behind their backs. 2. Copy: “Warning - Kissing can be good for your health.”

2. Image: Female dressed in sexy, flowing, white nightgown is walking towards bed occupied by bare chested male. She is holding a bottle of mouthwash in one hand, and a glass, partially filled with Healthy Benefits, in the other. 2. Copy: “Sexy is a sexy does.”

3. Image: Male and female playing one-on-one basketball. Bottle of mouthwash is handing out of one (or both of their) gym bag(s). 2. Copy: “Shoot the breeze.”

4. Image: Small panel of referee using mouthwash in locker room, set inside a larger image of an irate player (i.e.: football, hockey, baseball) yelling in referees face. 2. Copy: “Because they’re in your face.”

5. Image: Male checking himself out in bathroom mirror, with bottle on mouthwash on counter. Copy: “Who will you seduce today?” (For an even more humorous twist, he could be dressed in dated clothing, such as a light blue leisure suit, with slicked hair, i.e.: Elvis.)

6. Image: Balding, slightly overweight male, dressed like an ancient Greek (Nero type - with wreath headdress), sitting on a throne with beautiful females, dressed like goddess waiting on him. One of the goddesses is about to serve the mouthwash to him on a tray. 2. Copy: “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”

7. Image: Couple toasting glasses of mouthwash, with bottle on their bathroom counter. 2. Copy: “To your health!”

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